Tuesday, March 23, 2010

P90X - Day 2

Plyometrics, bitches!

See also: Knee pain


Made it 32 minutes before my right knee made it clear he wasn't going to let me jump anymore. He's such a party pooper. In his defense I haven't done anything (even run) for more than 30 minutes other than walk or sit in front of an LCD of some variety or another. I rarely run more than 3 miles, and even 30 minutes is an easy pace. Usually doing it in 26-27 minutes, then a cool down. So I'm really pushing it with the Plyo.

Though I only made it through half way, it was a good workout. Heart rate was up, sweated plenty, and could feel everything. It's fun, too. Much more fun than push ups and chin ups. And the kids tried to doing it with me. Trevor pussed out early, but Audrey kept up the whole time I did (though she wasn't doing everything correctly, she was still trying.) That was a lot of fun, too.

My legs were very tight to start with, still feeling the effects of Monday night's fast mile on the suckmill. Left hammy and right knee were sore. The stretching/warmup helped a lot, but I think just wasn't ready to go very long.

Shoulders and Arms and AbRipperX tomorrow. I think Kristi will be going to the gym alone, as I want nothing to do with a treadmill right now.

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